你最近推出一款名為「超舒適座椅」的產品,並打算透過 Google Ads 產生更多流量,但只想針對與產品名稱相符的搜尋字詞吸引流量。你要如何只針對與「超舒適座椅」這個產品名稱相符的查詢吸引搜尋流量?

by notalknote
188 觀看次數

問題與答案你最近推出一款名為「超舒適座椅」的產品,並打算透過 Google Ads 產生更多流量,但只想針對與產品名稱相符的搜尋字詞吸引流量。你要如何只針對與「超舒適座椅」這個產品名稱相符的查詢吸引搜尋流量?You recently launched a new product called the Awesome Chair. Your goal is to generate more traffic through Google Ads but you only want to attract traffic from searches for the product name.How can you attract search traffic for Awesome Chair product name queries only?

  • 詞組比對。Phrase match
  • 指定關鍵字。Keyword targeting
  • 廣泛比對。Broad match
  • 完全比對。Exact match

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