問題與答案Google 每天處理的搜尋查詢數量高達數十億筆,請問 Google AI 如何協助行銷人提升搜尋廣告成效?With billions of searches on Google every day, how does Google AI help marketers maximize search ad performance?
- Google AI 可讓智慧出價預測流量最高的查詢,以便自動為這類查詢設定出價。With Google AI, Smart Bidding predicts queries with the highest volume to set bids automatically.
- Google AI 可讓廣告評級優先參考廣告關聯性或預期點閱率。With Google AI, Ad Rank prioritizes expected clickthrough rate over ad relevance, or vice versa.
- Google AI 可讓廣泛比對和智慧出價將廣告與查詢建立關聯,並即時調整出價。With Google AI, broad match and Smart Bidding match ads to queries and adjust bids in real time.
- Google AI 的效率十分優異,因此行銷人甚至不需要投資高畫質圖片素材資源來提升成效。With Google AI, marketers no longer need to invest in high-quality image assets.
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