每位廣告客戶都能享受 Google Ads 提供的三大優勢:關聯性、掌控度和成效。「關聯性」是指讓廣告主在適當時機觸及合適的目標對象。「成效」是指廣告主只有在廣告獲得點擊時才須付費。那麼 Google Ads 如何讓廣告主享有掌控度呢?

by notalknote
發布日期: 更新日期: 215 觀看次數

問題與答案每位廣告客戶都能享受 Google Ads 提供的三大優勢:關聯性、掌控度和成效。「關聯性」是指讓廣告主在適當時機觸及合適的目標對象。「成效」是指廣告主只有在廣告獲得點擊時才須付費。那麼 Google Ads 如何讓廣告主享有掌控度呢?Google Ads was designed to deliver three things to every advertiser: relevance, control, and results. It provides relevance by connecting advertisers with the right people at the right time. It provides results by charging only when you get a click.How does Google Ads provide control?

  • 讓廣告客戶精準控制廣告支出可望獲得的具體轉換動作數量。By giving advertisers control over the number of specific actions their spend will return
  • 讓廣告客戶在刊登廣告時,自行決定要和哪些競爭者競價。By giving advertisers control over which competitors they place ads in auctions against
  • 讓廣告主自行決定參與競價時的次高出價。By giving advertisers control over the next highest bid allowed in auctions they enter
  • 讓廣告客戶掌控每個月的支出上限。By giving advertisers control over the maximum they spend per month.

說明本題屬於【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的題目,您可以在【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的頁面搜尋其他題目和結果,如果有問題可以留言,我會盡快找時間更新。其他【Google認證】題庫,請至【Google認證考古題與題庫】頁面搜尋。



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