
by notalknote
發布日期: 更新日期: 8 觀看次數

問題與答案某間連鎖理髮店想設定行動廣告活動,以便透過行動裝置接觸行動客群。請問以下哪種廣告刊登位置超出該廣告活動目標的聚焦範圍?A chain of barbershops would like to set up a mobile ad campaign to reach an on-the-go audience through their mobile devices. Which ad placement would be outside the focus of their campaign goal?

  • 時尚雜誌電腦版廣告
  • 平板電腦版流行文化新聞和趨勢類應用程式
  • 智慧型手機版髮型類應用程式
  • 個人護理行動版網站。Mobile website for personal care.

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