你的業務夥伴所合作的客戶想在幾個 iOS 新聞類應用程式內放送廣告。在 Campaign Manager 360 中設定廣告活動並指派廣告素材後,系統發生錯誤。請問造成這個錯誤的原因可能是?

by notalknote
10 觀看次數

問題與答案你的業務夥伴所合作的客戶想在幾個 iOS 新聞類應用程式內放送廣告。在 Campaign Manager 360 中設定廣告活動並指派廣告素材後,系統發生錯誤。請問造成這個錯誤的原因可能是?Your business partner is working with a client who’d like to advertise within several iOS news apps. An error occurs after setting up the campaign in Campaign Manager 360 and assigning the creatives. What could have caused the error?

  • 他們設定 HTML5 廣告素材在電腦上放送。They assigned an HTML5 ad creative to run on desktop.
  • 他們設定的廣告素材適用於所有類型的行動平台。They assigned the creative to run across all mobile platform types.
  • 他們設定的廣告素材適用於 Android 作業系統。They assigned the creative to the Android operating system.
  • 他們指派的廣告素材適用於多位行動電信業者。They assigned the creative to run across multiple mobile carriers.

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