
by notalknote
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問題與答案麗娜先前曾聽說「品質分數」一詞,她想知道這四個字究竟代表什麼。關於品質分數,下列敘述何者正確?Rina has heard the term Quality Score mentioned before and is interested to learn what it actually is.Which statement describes Quality Score?

  • 品質分數是用來判斷廣告點擊流量品質的指標。It’s a metric that scores the quality of traffic that clicks on your ads
  • 品質分數是用來判斷廣告、關鍵字和到達網頁品質的估算值It’s an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages.
  • 品質分數是指根據帳戶結構的每一個要素計算出的總分It’s a final score that’s based on every element of the structure of your account.
  • 品質分數是使用者點按廣告及瀏覽網站後留下的意見回饋。It’s feedback left by users who’ve clicked on your ad and browsed your website.

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