問題與答案阿新的行銷公司製作的某則廣告十分吸睛,獲得許多點擊次數。這則廣告對 Google Ads 競價可能會產生什麼影響?Singh’s marketing company has created an enticing ad that receives many clicks.What effect will the ad likely have on the Google Ads auction?
- 這則廣告的品質能確保單次點擊出價至少會下降 40%。The quality of the ad will ensure the ad’s cost-per-click will be reduced by at least 40%.
- 預期點閱率越高,廣告評級就會越高。The higher expected click-through rate will lead to a higher Ad Rank.
- 這則廣告會提高廣告客戶的單次點擊出價。The ad will lead to a higher cost-per-click for the advertiser.
- 廣告客戶在競價時會收到更多出價。The advertiser will receive more bids in the auction.
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