問題與答案某間居家修繕商店為他們販售的部分五金商品進行品牌重塑。他們想要瞭解有多少新的不重複使用者購買這些五金商品,且看過他們的廣告,以便掌握自家媒體廣告活動的成效。請問哪些報表有助於他們達成這項目標?A home improvement store has rebranded some of the hardware they sell. They want to determine the impact of their media campaigns by seeing how many new and unique users have bought their hardware and have seen their ads. Which reports will help them do this?
- Floodlight 報表和 Unique Reach 報表
- 標準報表和 Unique Reach 報表
- Floodlight 報表和觸及報表。The Floodlight Report and Reach report.
- 標準報表和 Floodlight 報表
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