問題與答案某廣告行銷主管剛接手 Google 搜尋廣告活動,他在 Google Ads「建議」頁面上,注意到廣告活動的最佳化分數為 40%。請問這個分數代表什麼?An advertising executive takes over a Google Search ads campaign. On his Google Ads Recommendations page he notes that the campaign’s optimization score is 40%.What does this score indicate?
- 只要採用系統提供的建議,廣告活動的成效可提升 60%。The campaign could be improved by 60% if the listed recommendations are followed.
- 比其他公司的廣告活動最佳成效低了 60%。The campaign is 60% less optimal than other company campaigns.
- 廣告活動超出預算 40%。The campaign is running 40% over budget.
- 針對前任廣告活動經理選擇的關鍵字,廣告活動的最佳化成效達 40%。The campaign is 40% optimized for the given keywords chosen by the previous campaign manager.
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