問題與答案某家電子公司新推出一款支援語音指令無障礙功能的電視。該公司決定在搜尋廣告活動中使用「電視」、「無障礙」和「聲控」做為詞組比對關鍵字。請問詞組比對能為該公司的搜尋廣告活動帶來什麼助益?An electronics company is launching a new TV equipped with a voice command accessibility feature. They decide to use phrase match in their Search ads campaign with the keywords “television,” “accessible,” and “voice.”How will phrase match benefit the company’s Search Ads campaign?
- 如果使用者的搜尋字詞與關鍵字意思相同,系統就會顯示該公司的廣告。Their ad will appear if the search terms have the same meaning as the keyword.
- 如果使用者的搜尋字詞與關鍵字相關,系統就會顯示該公司的廣告。Their ad will appear if the search terms are related to the keyword.
- 如果使用者的搜尋字詞與這三個關鍵字完全相符,系統就會顯示該公司的廣告。Their ad will appear if the search terms contain all three of the exact keywords.
- 如果使用者的搜尋字詞含有關鍵字意思,系統就會顯示該公司的廣告。Their ad will appear if the search terms include the meaning of the keyword.
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