問題與答案某位電腦配件零售商決定在串流內影片廣告活動中,新增 640×480 MP4 影片廣告刊登位置。在 Campaign Manager 360 中,請問你該如何在廣告活動中加入這個影片格式和解析度選項?A PC accessories retailer has decided to add a new 640×480 MP4 video ad placement to their In-stream Video campaign. In Campaign Manager 360, what step should they take to include this video format and resolution option in their campaign?
- 上傳影片檔案後不採取其他步驟。
- 啟用轉碼清單中的這個選項。Enable the specific option in the transcode list.
- 啟用清單中所有的轉碼選項。
- 將新的代碼交給放送廣告的發布商。
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