問題與答案某代理商的客戶是一家護髮產品公司,剛推出新的兒童專用洗髮乳系列。為了瞭解有多少新的不重複使用者購買過這款洗髮乳,且看過他們的媒體廣告活動,他們該查看哪些報表?An agency’s client, a hair care products company, has just launched a new line of shampoos for children. To find out how many new and unique people have been buying their shampoo and have seen their media campaigns, which reports should they look at?
- 他們應該查看 Floodlight 報表和觸及報表。They should look at the Floodlight Report and Reach report.
- 他們應該查看標準報表和觸及報表。
- 他們應該查看 Floodlight 報表和摘要報表。
- 他們應該查看標準報表和 Floodlight 報表。
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