
by notalknote
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問題與答案小穎即將推出新的產品系列,且想提升這些產品的曝光率。她知道自己可以放送多媒體廣告活動,吸引為數眾多的網路使用者。請問多媒體廣告活動能如何幫助小穎達成行銷目標?Ingrid wants to acquire a lot of exposure for a new product line that she’s launching. She understands that she can reach a significant portion of people on the internet with the help of a Display campaign.In what way will a Display campaign achieve Ingrid’s marketing goal?

  • 系統會在 Google 地圖上醒目顯示她的商家,讓客戶能在上面查看她的產品系列。Her business will be highlighted on Google Maps, with the option for customers to see her product line there.
  • 系統會在使用者搜尋相關的關鍵字時,將她的廣告顯示於搜尋結果的上方或下方。Her ads will appear above and below search results when people search for related keywords.
  • 系統會自動為她的產品系列產生影片摘要,並刊登到 YouTube 上。A video summary of her product line will be automatically generated by the system and placed on YouTube.
  • 系統會依據她的指定目標設定,在與她的商家相關或客戶感興趣的網站內容中放送廣告。Her ads will serve on website content related to her business or her customers’ interests, based on her targeting decisions.

說明本題屬於【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的題目,您可以在【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的頁面搜尋其他題目和結果,如果有問題可以留言,我會盡快找時間更新。其他【Google認證】題庫,請至【Google認證考古題與題庫】頁面搜尋。


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