
by notalknote
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問題與答案小洛正在根據自己的業務目標選擇合適的廣告活動類型。在選擇廣告活動類型前,為何要先考量業務目標?Lola is in the process of selecting a campaign type to suit her business objectives.Why is it important that she consider business objectives before choosing her campaign type?

  • Google Ads 會根據她選擇的廣告活動類型自動建立廣告訊息。Google Ads will automatically create ad messaging based on the campaign type she chooses.
  • 所選的廣告活動類型會影響廣告的放送平台和格式。The campaign type chosen will determine where her ads appear and the format of those ads.
  • 某些廣告活動類型只會在一天和一週的特定時段中放送廣告。Certain campaign types will only serve ads during particular times of the day and week.
  • 各類廣告活動的最低和最高預算金額規定不同。Different campaign types have different minimum and maximum budget requirements.

說明本題屬於【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的題目,您可以在【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的頁面搜尋其他題目和結果,如果有問題可以留言,我會盡快找時間更新。其他【Google認證】題庫,請至【Google認證考古題與題庫】頁面搜尋。


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