問題與答案客戶想請你提供影片廣告活動指標,以便瞭解有多少使用者暫停播放影片廣告,以及使用者重播影片廣告的次數。為了達成這項要求,請問你該向廣告客戶展示哪兩項 Campaign Manager 360 互動式多媒體指標?Your client would like you to share video campaign metrics on how many times users stop their video ad and how many times users restart their video ad. To meet this request, which two rich media metrics from Campaign Manager 360 would you show the advertiser?
- 影片停止和影片重播次數。Video stops and video replays.
- 影片播放和影片暫停次數
- 影片播放和影片完整播放次數
- 影片暫停和影片完整播放次數
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