問題與答案在建立廣告的過程中,小葛該如何得知潛在顧客看到的廣告會是什麼樣子?When creating an ad, how does Greg know what it will look like to his potential customers?
- 登入 Google 我的商家帳戶並選取「預覽」分頁標籤後,小葛就能看到所有廣告的預覽畫面。Greg can see previews of all his ads by logging into his Google My Business account and choosing the Preview tab.
- 小葛的廣告獲得核准後,他必須輸入他指定的特定關鍵字,然後在瀏覽器中進行預覽。Greg must type in the specific keywords he’s targeting once his ad has been approved, then view it in a browser.
- Google 會擷取廣告活動中的關鍵字,藉此建立電腦版廣告範例的一般預覽畫面。Google provides examples of desktop ads using the keywords selected in the campaign to create a generic preview.
- 當小葛輸入廣告的網址、標題和說明時,螢幕上會顯示行動版和電腦版廣告的預覽畫面。As he types in his URL, headline, and description, a preview of the mobile and desktop versions of his ad will appear.
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