問題與答案你的客戶是居家布置業者,他們想在現有的廣告活動內開始放送行動廣告。有些廣告素材已經針對行動裝置最佳化,可能也已顯示在不同的行動版網站上。請問他們該先檢查 Campaign Manager 360 帳戶的哪項設定,以確保廣告能成功放送?Your home decor client wants to start running mobile ads within their current campaign. Some creatives are already mobile-optimized and may be already appearing across mobile websites. What’s the first thing they should check within their Campaign Manager 360 account to make sure of delivery?
- 他們應該在 Campaign Manager 360 中檢查廣告活動投放設定,看看廣告是否適合行動裝置。They should examine their campaign trafficking settings in Campaign Manager 360 to see if their ads are mobile-friendly.
- 他們應該在 Campaign Manager 360 中修改現有的電腦版多媒體廣告活動。
- 他們應該在 Campaign Manager 360 中設定廣告活動的廣告素材,採用適合行動裝置的大小和格式。
- 他們應該在 Campaign Manager 360 中設定帳戶,納入行動裝置、平板電腦和行動應用程式。
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