你的客戶是一間美容院,他們即將推出新的影片廣告活動,大多數的資訊都會在第 25 秒時播送。你想瞭解該訊息獲得的觀看次數。請問你該在 Campaign Manager 360 報表內查看哪項影片指標?

by notalknote
67 人瀏覽

問題與答案你的客戶是一間美容院,他們即將推出新的影片廣告活動,大多數的資訊都會在第 25 秒時播送。你想瞭解該訊息獲得的觀看次數。請問你該在 Campaign Manager 360 報表內查看哪項影片指標?Your salon client is launching a new video campaign with most of the information airing at the :25 mark. You want to see how many times that message was viewed. Which video metric should you review within Campaign Manager 360 reporting?

  • 自訂可視曝光次數。Custom viewable impressions.
  • 隨播廣告觀看次數
  • 影片完整播放次數
  • 隨播廣告轉換次數

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