你所合作的紙業公司為即將推出的卡片紙廣告活動準備了多種廣告素材。請問哪項產品可與 Campaign Manager 360 搭配使用,以便完美整合廣告素材?

by notalknote
62 人瀏覽

問題與答案你所合作的紙業公司為即將推出的卡片紙廣告活動準備了多種廣告素材。請問哪項產品可與 Campaign Manager 360 搭配使用,以便完美整合廣告素材?You’re working with a paper company who has multiple creatives for their upcoming card stock campaign. Which product works with Campaign Manager 360 to make sure of the seamless integration of creatives?

  • Google Analytics (分析) 360
  • 問卷調查 360
  • Search Ads 360
  • Display & Video 360

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