問題與答案你所合作的客戶是一間健行用品零售商,他們即將推出新款背包。你選擇使用歸因模式工具,確保能正確為消費者歷程中每個促使他們購買背包的步驟分配功勞。請問哪種歸因模式有助於你達成這項目標?You’re working with your client, a hiking goods retailer, on the launch of a new backpack. You choose to use the Attribution Modeling Tool to make sure that you’re properly crediting each step of the customer journey that helped them to buy the backpack. Which attribution model will help you reach this objective?
- 時間衰減歸因模式
- 最終互動歸因模式
- 最初互動歸因模式
- 線性歸因模式。The Linear attribution model.
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