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問題與答案你應該採取什麼方式,確保可順利針對廣泛比對廣告活動採用及測試廣泛比對,以便協助分析轉換資料?Which method should you use to implement and test broad match successfully on broad match campaigns to help analyze conversion data?

  • 你可以使用 Google Ads 中的轉換追蹤功能,追蹤廣泛比對關鍵字所產生的轉換次數。You can use the Conversion Tracking feature in Google Ads to track the number of conversions that are generated by your broad match keywords.
  • 你可以使用 Google Ads 中的關鍵字比對類型功能,瞭解廣泛比對關鍵字的比對方式。You can use the Keyword Match Types feature in Google Ads to see how your broad match keywords are being matched.
  • 你可以使用關鍵字規劃工具,找出與你的業務和目標對象相關的新關鍵字。You can use the Keyword Planner to find new keywords that are relevant to your business and your target audience.
  • 你可以設定「一鍵套用實驗」來採用廣泛比對關鍵字。這麼做可以自動建立遵循所有相關最佳做法的實驗。You can implement broad match keywords by setting up a One-Click Experiment Apply. This creates an experiment automatically, following all experiment best practices.

說明本題屬於【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的題目,您可以在【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的頁面搜尋其他題目和結果,如果有問題可以留言,我會盡快找時間更新。其他【Google認證】題庫,請至【Google認證考古題與題庫】頁面搜尋。


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