
by notalknote
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問題與答案某網頁程式開發公司分析行銷資料後,發現最高價值的顧客會使用其網站上的意願調查表與他們聯絡。該公司希望吸引更多潛在顧客提交這份表單。請問以下哪個廣告活動目標才能幫助這家公司達成目標?Based on analysis of their marketing data, a web development business has determined that the highest-value customers reach out via an interest form on their website. The firm wants more potential customers to submit this form.What’s the right campaign objective for this business’s goals?

  • 產品與品牌考慮度Product and brand consideration
  • 待開發客戶Leads
  • 品牌知名度和觸及Brand awareness and reach
  • 網站流量Website traffic

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