小班目前管理一項廣告活動,總共投資了 $7,000 美元,產生了 1,400 次轉換,單次轉換出價則為 $5 美元。小班必須賣掉多餘庫存。為了達成這個目標,他願意提高單次轉換出價和廣告活動投資金額。成效規劃工具內建的哪一項方案,可協助小班達成行銷目標,順利賣掉多餘庫存?

by notalknote
發布日期: 更新日期: 128 人瀏覽

問題與答案小班目前管理一項廣告活動,總共投資了 $7,000 美元,產生了 1,400 次轉換,單次轉換出價則為 $5 美元。小班必須賣掉多餘庫存。為了達成這個目標,他願意提高單次轉換出價和廣告活動投資金額。成效規劃工具內建的哪一項方案,可協助小班達成行銷目標,順利賣掉多餘庫存?Ben is currently managing a campaign that has a total investment of $7,000, generates 1,400 conversions, and has a CPA (cost-per-acquisition) of $5. Ben needs to sell excess inventory. To meet this goal, he’s willing to increase his CPA and campaign investment.Which of the following plans, built in the Performance Planner, will assist Ben in achieving his marketing goal of selling excess inventory?

  • 投資 $9,600 美元,產生 1,600 次轉換,單次轉換出價則為 $6 美元。An investment of $9,600 to generate 1,600 conversions with a CPA of $6
  • 投資 $9,800 美元,產生 1,400 次轉換,單次轉換出價則為 $7 美元。An investment of $9,800 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $7
  • 投資 $9,100 美元,產生 1,300 次轉換,單次轉換出價則為 $7 美元。An investment of $9,100 to generate 1,300 conversions and a CPA of $7
  • 投資 $8,400 美元,產生 1,400 次轉換,單次轉換出價則為 $6 美元。An investment of $8,400 to generate 1,400 conversions and a CPA of $6

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