Google AI 如何協助行銷人觸及潛在顧客?

by notalknote
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問題與答案Google AI 如何協助行銷人觸及潛在顧客?How can Google AI help marketers reach potential customers?

  • 根據行銷人的離線轉換資料定義業務目標By defining business goals for marketers based on their offline conversion data
  • 使用回應式搜尋廣告提供建議,協助提升行銷人網站成效By equipping responsive search ads to offer recommendations for optimizing marketers’ websites
  • 理解人類語言的細微差距,並協助行銷人觸及搜尋其產品/服務的使用者By recognizing nuance in human language and using that capability to help connect marketers to people searching for their offerings
  • 預測下一季每個查詢的價值,讓智慧出價得以協助行銷人規劃成本By predicting the value of every query for the next quarter, thus empowering Smart Bidding to help marketers plan their spend.

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