問題與答案阿吉為一間販賣維他命和補給品的商店管理線上行銷廣告活動。他推出了 Google 搜尋廣告活動,並選擇網站流量做為廣告活動行銷目標。阿吉預期會從廣告活動獲得什麼成果?Reggie manages the online marketing campaigns for a vitamin and supplement store. He launched a Google Search campaign and chose website traffic as his campaign marketing goal.Which outcome is Reggie expecting from the campaign?
- 商店的社群媒體平台追蹤者增加。More followers on the store’s social media presence.
- 讓更多顧客認識他的產品Getting more customers to learn about his products.
- 網路商店的線上業績增加。More online sales through Reggie’s online store.
- 對健康生活習慣感興趣的人前來訂閱電子郵件。E-mail sign-ups from people interested in a healthy lifestyle.
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