
by notalknote
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問題與答案行銷人該如何判斷套用建議可能會對最佳化分數帶來什麼影響?In which ways can marketers determine the potential impact of applying recommendations on their optimization score?

  • 將相似廣告活動的設定與更高的最佳化分數交叉比對。Comparable campaigns’ settings are cross-referenced with higher optimization scores.
  • 所有建議都會以百分比顯示對最佳化分數的影響。The recommendations all show how they affect optimization score as a percentage.
  • 行銷人可透過 Google AI 預測套用建議可增加多少轉換。Through Google AI, marketers can forecast how conversions will be increased as a result of recommendations.
  • 運用可信任的第三方工具,分析及最佳化廣告活動。Trusted, third-party tools are used to analyze and optimize campaigns.

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