秉德是一家電動車公司的行銷總監,他最近將「待開發客戶」設為 Google 搜尋廣告活動的行銷目標。秉德選擇將「待開發客戶」設為他的行銷目標,是想達成什麼目的?P

by notalknote
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問題與答案秉德是一家電動車公司的行銷總監,他最近將「待開發客戶」設為 Google 搜尋廣告活動的行銷目標。秉德選擇將「待開發客戶」設為他的行銷目標,是想達成什麼目的?Pete is the marketing director for an electric car company. He recently chose “leads” as his Google Search campaign marketing goal.What did he hope to achieve by selecting “leads” as his goal?

  • 鼓勵顧客購買電動車。Encourage customers to purchase electric cars.
  • 吸引更多使用者造訪他的網站。Have more people view his website.
  • 宣傳用來說明企業理念的影片。Promote videos that speak to the business mission.
  • 吸引更多潛在顧客訂閱電子郵件。Increase e-mail list sign-ups from potential customers.

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