
by notalknote
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問題與答案瑪塔的行銷預算有限,無法再調整,因此需要使用策略來吸引更多顧客造訪網站。請問哪種出價策略有可能符合她的需求?Marta has a tight marketing budget and needs to use a strategy that can drive customers to her website for a set cost.Which bidding strategy has the potential to meet Marta’s needs?

  • 目標廣告投資報酬率 (tROAS)Target return on ad spend (Target ROAS)
  • 目標單次轉換出價 (tCPA)Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)
  • 目標曝光比重Target impression share
  • 盡量爭取點擊Maximize clicks

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