問題與答案小蘭正努力提升 Google 搜尋廣告的品質分數,期望能提升廣告評級,並在廣告競價中有更好的表現。她可以透過什麼方式提升廣告評級?Brenda’s working on improving a Google Search Ad’s Quality Score so it potentially gets a better ad rank and performs better in the ad auction.What change to Brenda’s ad might improve the Ad Rank?
- 結合圖片,讓廣告更吸睛。Incorporating an image to make the ad more enticing.
- 將廣告標題改為粗體,提升預期點閱率。Making the headline bold to potentially improve the eCTR.
- 為廣告訊息文字增添顏色,藉此提升品質分數。Using colors in the message text to improve Quality Score.
- 在節慶季節新增季節性訊息。Adding seasonal messaging during the holiday season.
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