問題與答案小李負責一家大型製造商的服裝品牌廣告,他利用 Google Ads 的「建議」頁面來評估搜尋廣告活動成效。最佳化建議的哪項特色能為小李帶來助益?Leo is in charge of advertising for the clothing lines of a large manufacturer. He uses his Google Ads Recommendations page to help him evaluate his Search Ads campaigns.Which feature makes the optimization recommendations valuable for Leo?
- 這些建議都是為個別帳戶量身打造。The recommendations are tailored to the specific account.
- 這些建議僅適用於特定關鍵字。The recommendations only apply to select keywords.
- 這些建議來自 Google 提供的整體深入分析。The recommendations provide general insight from Google.
- 這些建議是由較高層級的帳戶管理者建立。The recommendations are created by higher-level account executives.
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