問題與答案在造就出色的 Google Ads 廣告活動方面,自動出價為什麼勝過手動出價?How is automating your bid better than manual bidding better when it comes to creating a successful Google Ads campaign?
- 因為消費者歷程日趨複雜,所以需要根據一般使用者行為出價It’s better because the increasing complexity of the customer journey necessitates that bids be based on general user behavior.
- 因為雖然合適的出價通常變動不大,但要精準掌握還是有點難度。It’s better because the correct bid can often be a hard-to-reach static target.
- 因為位置、時機和裝置等因素不會影響使用者的意圖,也不會影響對方是否會完成可為貴公司帶來價值的動作It’s better because user intent and the likelihood to complete valuable actions for your business don’t change according to location, time, or device.
- 為出價時如果欠缺效率,可能會錯失寶貴的轉換機會。It’s better because the failure to bid efficiently cane make you miss valuable conversions.
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