問題與答案你的目標是測試不同標題與說明的組合來獲得最佳廣告成效。行銷部門的同事建議你使用回應式搜尋廣告。請問回應式搜尋廣告可提供哪兩項好處?Your goal is to test different combinations of headlines and descriptions so that you can optimize your results. Your marketing colleagues have suggested using responsive search ads.What are the two benefits that responsive search ads can provide?Select 2 Correct Responses
- 回應式搜尋廣告的靈活度更高。Responsive search ads provide greater flexibility.
- 回應式搜尋廣告可提高關聯性。Responsive search ads provide more relevance.
- 回應式搜尋廣告可延長轉換程序。Responsive search ads provide longer funnels.
- 回應式搜尋廣告可降低預期點閱率。Responsive search ads provide lower eCTR.
- 回應式搜尋廣告可減少點擊詐欺。Responsive search ads provide less click fraud.
說明本題屬於【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的題目,您可以在【Google Ads搜尋廣告認證】的頁面搜尋其他題目和結果,如果有問題可以留言,我會盡快找時間更新。其他【Google認證】題庫,請至【Google認證考古題與題庫】頁面搜尋。