問題與答案你決定將 Floodlight 代碼加進 Campaign Manager 360 廣告活動。請問這些代碼的功能是什麼?You decide to add Floodlight tags to your campaign in Campaign Manager 360. What will these tags do?
- 可評估客戶動作並建立目標對象名單,以便提高使用者參與度。They can measure customer action and create audience lists for enhanced user engagement.
- 可建立加強型廣告素材,並製作多平台廣告活動報表。They can create enhanced creatives and report on multi-platform campaigns.
- 可建立目標對象名單來提高使用者參與度,並建立加強型廣告素材。They can create audience lists for enhanced user engagement and create enhanced creatives.
- 可評估客戶動作並建立加強型廣告素材。They can measure customer action and create enhanced creatives.
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