你是潔淨能源公司的行銷主管,要規劃公司的每月線上廣告預算。你決定使用 Google Ads 的成效規劃工具來完成這項工作。下列哪兩項是使用成效規劃工具的好處?

by notalknote
發布日期: 更新日期: 852 人瀏覽

問題與答案你是潔淨能源公司的行銷主管,要規劃公司的每月線上廣告預算。你決定使用 Google Ads 的成效規劃工具來完成這項工作。下列哪兩項是使用成效規劃工具的好處?You’re a marketing executive at a clean energy company and have been asked to come up with your company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis. You decide to leverage Google Ads’ Performance Planner to help you achieve your aims. What are two benefits you’ll get from Performance Planner?

  • 能夠與其他預算管理軟體 (如 QuickBooks) 整合Its integration with other budgeting software, such as QuickBooks
  • 會透過機器學習技術進行預測Its reliance on machine learning for forecasting purposes
  • 可找出要重新分配到行銷業務的營運預算A way to identify operational budget to reallocate to marketing
  • 其預測功能會採用 Google 每週數十億筆的搜尋Its forecasting that is driven by billions of weekly Google searches

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